Limmer Education
by Limmer Education
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EMS relies on tradition and habit. We’ve done things for a long time and we were often reluctant to change. We get frequent emails from students arguing that a patient should receive oxygen by NRB when that hasn’t been recommended since late 2010.
We’ve compiled our list of things that students should be taught and current EMTs should know. Let us know if you have any others for the list.
Just the thought of not suctioning a newborn is traumatic for us. The AHA and NRP guidelines are clear: even in the presence of meconium, no suction unless the baby is in distress. While we were happily suctioning out what the baby will eventually cough up or absorb we forgot that pesky little thing called hypoxia.
Our protocols change slowly but how long do we wait until we stop precautionary backboarding and use a solid spinal examination to decide whether the patient needs spinal motion restriction—on the cot. Physician groups and science are in favor of this. And while we are on the subject of backboards…
Taking that time has no value and it increases mortality.
We get emails from students telling us that their educators still teach this. Ugh. [Resource: A Tale of 4 Patients]
We didn’t like that level when we had it. It was too dumbed down. But now we see job ads, course listings and even providers calling themselves “Basics” when that has been out for several years and replaced with what we should have been all along: EMTs.
What else would you add?
Limmer Education
Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
Limmer Education