Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
by Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
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As this message is being written, crews search for a Global Medical Response fixed wing aircraft missing off the coast of Hawaii, EMS news outlets report tragic line of duty deaths of public safety providers, and those working in EMS today may well be on a mandatory overtime shift because of critical staffing shortages—and not getting paid what you are worth to do so.
It is easy not to feel the “happy” in happy holidays.
Perhaps this is an odd way to begin a holiday message. We’ve always believed we should lead with the truth. It isn’t always pretty. We also believe that a good thing can balance every bad thing. Not one for one. But in the grand scheme, there are times that are down and times that are powerfully uplifting.
Our wish for you this holiday season is to find and appreciate those uplifting moments when you find them.
Our wish for you this holiday season is to find and appreciate those uplifting moments when you find them.
You know those moments. The code save. Unexpected moments in the ambulance that, while not “saves,” provide a moment of connection or emotion you wouldn’t find in any other job. The times when inappropriate humor between partners brings tears of laughter to your eyes just when you need it to stay on this side of lunacy.
It may not be the typical wish where we cast broad hopes for EMS and the world. This year we are getting back to basics. We are acknowledging the power of you to both feel and do good. Here they are:
Do something good for yourself. Take a moment to treat yourself to anything from a quiet coffee to that gift you deserve. Stop and appreciate that moment.
Do something good for someone you are close to. That person will appreciate it. You will feel joy from it.
Do something good for EMS. There is only one way to make EMS better: do it from the inside out. Start today and do something that makes EMS better. This may be as simple as being a positive voice at a negative time, mentoring a co-worker, or calling someone who is feeling down.
It is that simple. If everyone takes a break from negativity, bad news, and overtime; and does these three simple things, we will all be better. Good begets good. Doing good brings joy.
And doing good is what the holiday season is all about.
Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
Limmer Education
Dan Limmer, BS, NRP