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Every year, EMS Week celebrates the entire EMS community and recognizes the hard and vital work it does. As part of EMS Week, Monday is EMS Education Day. Since EMS education is our forte, we’ve put together a few resources to help educators improve the quality and effectiveness of their classes.

Free Resources for EMS Educators

To get your professional development going and save you some time, we’ve put together this list of printables, learning exercises and other educator resources to help you in the classroom.

2022 UPDATE: We created a class planning guide that essentially combines the resources below, plus includes discussion questions and other ready-to-use content for every major topic in the EMT curriculum. It’s comprehensive and easy to use.

Go to Updated Resource Guide

Patient Assessment 2019 Flowchart

One of the biggest issues we hear from the classroom is confusion about the patient assessment process for EMTs. This chart cuts the confusion and encourages critical thinking as it moves from primary through secondary assessment.

Exam Item Creation

A four-part guide to item writing for EMS educators wanting to improve the quality of their class exams.

Dynamic Learning Exercises for ALS

These learning-based classroom activities combine clinical education with the practice of compassion.

Spinal Motion Restriction Flowchart

Created last fall after the release of the latest position paper on SMR, this guide will help teach students about spinal motion restriction.

Six Questions to Tell if an EMT is Well Trained

These questions serve as a benchmark for testing EMT students’ readiness for the NREMT and the field.

Exam Cram NREMT Study Guide

This was designed for students and makes a great handout for your class.

FOAMFinder and FOAMed Resources

FOAM (or FOAMed) stands for Free Open Access Medical education. To help find and organize the volumes of FOAM available, we built FOAMFinder – a search engine that helps people discover and share content from a single place.

Read the 3-part blog series on using FOAM in the classroom.
Or just go straight to FOAMFinder.com.


What other tools and resources have you found to be helpful in your classroom? We’d love for you to share in the comments so other educators can take a look!

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