We’re longtime advocates of the flipped classroom, and we believe you can run a high-quality flipped class in person or online. A flipped class requires hands-on activity and on-the-spot critical thinking. It brings out the best in students and educators alike.
This page is filled with free or mostly free resources to help you plan a flipped EMS course that will keep students engaged, with flexible options for quality online learning.
Here you’ll find topical links for our EMT curriculum guide, organized by subject matter for easy class planning. Most of these are EMT class activities, but there are a few ALS resources as well. In addition to viewing by subject, you can download the entire curriculum guide here. Last updated summer 2023.
Some of the resources you’ll find in each section include:
If you have the EMT Audio Lecture app, EMT Review Plus app or EMTReview.com instructor account, this outlines the specific sections of each resource that you can apply to EMT course topics.
For each topic, you’ll find discussion board questions that you can use to get up and running with online content. They also make great fodder for in-class discussion.
We’ve found audio lectures to be excellent supplements for online classes. This can include audio lectures as well as things like medical podcasts. Here’s a list of ways we’ve used audio in EMT and AEMT classrooms.
We strongly recommend our FOAMFinder.com product (free) to help find relevant and insightful online (#FOAMed) content for paramedic classes. Use this to search your class topic (e.g., respiratory or head injury) or more specific content (e.g., hyperkalemia or TXA). Videos on how to use FOAMFinder can be found here.
Consider using your textbook for assignments or discussion boards. For example, in Limmer’s Emergency Care EMT textbook, the Critical Decision-Making feature (13th edition) offers some solid clinical content for discussions or assignments (answers are in the back of the book). If you have the 14th edition of Emergency Care, the expanded Think Like an EMT feature provides additional content for online coursework.