7 Things Pathophysiology Based Assessment (Part 2)
Special Double Episode! Three things in EMS are deeply connected: pathophysiology, assessment, and differential diagnosis. If a provider can apply principles of pathophysiology to assessment, coming to an accurate diagnosis becomes much easier. This 7 Things EMS brings in Joe Mistovich. Paramedic, educator, author, and pathophysiology geek. Joe explains the presentation of common conditions like hypoxia, hypoglycemia, and more through the lens of pathophysiology. After these two-part 7 Things, you will understand your patients like never before.
How to get CE
1) Purchase the CE product
2) Stream the podcast and take notes
3) Take the CE quiz
4) Pass the quiz and receive 2 hours of CAPCE-approved CE.
This CE activity is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Pre-hospital Continuing Education (CAPCE) for two General CEH.
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