NREMT prep and classroom solutions that build better providers.
Help students succeed on their exams. Our apps focus on critical thinking, pattern recognition and pathophysiology.
Get startedAfter using your products and learning how to attack and understand questions I felt more confident than ever. The material you offer is amazing! It helped me to finally pass my NREMT! – Trevor D.
We’re here to help you create a more dynamic, inspiring, and productive classroom.
Get startedI recommend Limmer resources to all my students. The pass rates are much higher and students have shown to be more efficient and effective in the field as a result. – Scott Stephens
Our NREMT remediation courses help users pass… and give them relevant, deep understanding. 24-hr. EMT / 36-hr. AEMT
Get startedMy saving grace! I completed your online remediation and went in to take my third attempt and passed! Thank you!! – Sidney F.
The 7 Things EMS podcast provides fluff-free, boredom-free CE for a variety of topics, from education to toxicology.
Get startedThank you for this podcast. I have learned so much and love that I can get CE for listening. – Julie R.
We have a wide variety of apps for all different stages of your EMS education.
Use our product finderAmazing program. The tests, the feedback, and the format is high level and I am grateful for the investment into this program.
The people who have used the [EMT Review Plus] apps to their fullest, ie: taking the exams as well as the study cards and review questions, have been very successful with first time pass rates. Almost 100% at this time.
I finally passed my test (fourth time taking it) and it was all to this [EMT Remediation] class. I realized that I knew the material well, but I did not know how to answer the questions properly. Also a lot of what I learned was not up to date compared to this class. So thank you so much for this as it was the reason I was finally able to successfully pass.
I earned my Paramedic license this morning!!! I truly believe I passed because I bought your [2-Hour NREMT Review Video]. I think I have ADHD and would rush through the test. Watching this video made me slow down read the question and chose the correct answer. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!
On my third and final attempt at the NREMT exam I am relieved to say that I am now NREMT certified! Preparing for this exam brought with it so much stress, which was good in part, as I was truly ill-prepared to work in EMS. This [EMT Remediation] course was logical and challenging, teaching me valuable skills and knowledge. However, most importantly I learned how to think more critically and calculated when faced with a patient.
I have been working on the ambulance for 20 years. I had to retake the NREMT exam because I let it lapse. I received my passing results a few hours ago. Paramedic PASS really helped me get in the right mindset to take the test.