by Limmer Education
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At Limmer Education, students frequently ask us, "Which of your products should I use?" Yes, it can seem overwhelming, but you are in the right place! We offer high-quality content and lots of variety to fit everyone's study needs and style.
Here is a quick guide to our EMT products to help make a choice depending on the time you have and the type of studying that works best for you.
EMT Review Plus- This is a great tool if there are specific areas that you want to study. Maybe you are awesome at airway, but your medical knowledge needs some work. The EMT Review Plus app is made up of study cards, multiple choice review questions and tests. The study cards and review questions are broken up by area of study so you can choose what area you want to concentrate in. Once you are confident, you can do a "challenge me" and get questions randomly given to you from across the topics. There are five, 100-question simulated NREMT exams with realistic questions that cover the entire curriculum.
App Store | Google Play | Web
Cost: $13.99
EMT PASS- This is a true simulation study tool, written by the former NREMT Exec. Director. There are eight 120-question exams broken up into 3 sections. Section 1 is the first 1/2 of the curriculum and Section 2 is the second 1/2 of the curriculum. Section 3 are the final simulated exams that cover the entire curriculum. The first 2 exams in sections 1 and 2 have audio rationales explaining why the correct answer is correct and the others are not. This is serious preparation. If you have the time to put into this, it is a great learning tool for both the exam and for being in the field. Bill Brown has a lot of knowledge!
Cost: $32.99
101 Last Minute Study Tips- Once you are exhausted with all that studying and you just want to test your knowledge on the core concepts on the exam - this is the tool to use. We surveyed 100s of EMTs and Paramedics about what they wished they knew before the exam and these 101 things are the "nuggets" that came from that survey. This product is also bundled as part of the EMT Review Bundle at LC-Ready.
Cost: Free is designed to provide preparation using several different methods to give you the best chance of success. It has multiple styles of practice tests, interactive exam review, videos, study guides, live NREMT review sessions, and more to help you learn how to prepare for the NREMT. The tools here are many and you can pick and choose. We are continually adding new content. It is a monthly subscription - keep for as long as you need it and cancel easily when you are done.
Cost: $24.99 monthly
EMT Review Audio Lectures- A great way to gain additional knowledge in addition to your classroom lecture and textbooks. Contains more than 15 hours of insightful lectures on the topics most critical to your studies and your success as an EMT. Good for students who are more auditory learners, have long commutes, or just need a little extra for studying and understanding.
Web (streaming via the LC-Ready app)
Cost: $34.99
EMT Review Pathophysiology- Pathophysiology is a critical foundation for success as an EMT. A solid knowledge of its basics and intricacies opens the door to grasping and treating a wide variety of medical and traumatic conditions. Contains 4.5 hours of audio lectures. Good for students who are more auditory learners, have long commutes, or just need a little extra for studying and understanding.
Web (streaming via the LC-Ready app)
Cost: $14.99
Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
Limmer Education