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by Limmer Education
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The idea of NREMT remediation strikes fear into the hearts of many NREMT test-takers. For many, it is a worst-case scenario. Anxiety, hopelessness and anger ensue.
We’re here to say that remediation isn't a bad thing. It's actually quite a good thing. Remediation is, of course, a chance to get you to your goal: pass the NREMT and start your EMS career. But it should also help you…
Learn the stuff you missed the first time around (this is foundational to your EMS career)
Improve your critical thinking skills (necessary for the exam and the street)
Improve your test-taking skills (the NREMT is no ordinary test)
Get your mojo back (goodbye anxiety, hello confidence)
Go into the streets a better provider (good news for you, good news for your patients)
A good NREMT remediation course is a reset button for your knowledge, skills, attitude and confidence. Without realizing it, students often make the same mistakes over and over again when studying for or taking the NREMT. Remediation can help eliminate those mistakes.
In fact, the right remediation course can even serve as a sort of “NREMT prep boot camp” – either before the first attempt or after 1-2 failed attempts. It can help prevent problems with exam prep or testing strategy before they lead to three failed attempts.
Yep, remedial courses for the NREMT benefit more than just three-strikes club members. A lot of people can use remediation proactively:
Those who have tried the NREMT before but were unsuccessful.
Those who waited a bit too long to take the NREMT exam and would like a refresher.
Those currently enrolled in an EMT or AEMT class who want additional help or remediation to succeed in class and before taking the NREMT.
Whether you're a first-time tester, someone who's been out of class a little too long, or someone facing a fourth attempt – the time to start NREMT prep is always now!
Well, what a coincidence: We have a 24-hour EMT remediation course and now, a 36-hour AEMT remediation course too.
Spend 10 sessions with Limmer Education Chief Learning Officer and textbook author Dan Limmer to ensure your success on the NREMT and beyond. You’ll get an in-depth but easy-to-follow review of the EMT or AEMT scope of practice, while meeting the requirements for 24-hour or 36-hour remediation/refresher required by the NREMT after a third unsuccessful attempt.
When we talk about benefiting from NREMT remediation, we’re thinking of the quality and style of the course: Is it set up to truly educate people and improve their understanding of emergency medicine? Does it present material in a way that gets people invested and helps them remember the content? Does it cover EMT/AEMT curriculum and critical thinking skills?
The student also needs to have quality study habits: Being able to focus (put the phone away), spending study time on application versus memorization, concentrating your time on your weakest areas, and giving your full effort to coursework.
Usually when we talk about knowing your weaknesses, we’re referring to knowledge gaps: Do you struggle with pediatrics, do you understand pathophysiology, etc.? However, sometimes a weakness has nothing to do with knowledge:
Anger toward the NREMT (the “This test is BS!” mindset). These people may have to work extra hard to keep their emotion from interfering with their learning and testing.
Learning disabilities. These people need to know what their weakness is (for example: reading, retention or concentration) and have a plan to combat it. That plan may include using outside resources for screening, diagnosis and management.
Lack of motivation. These people need to do some soul-searching to make sure emergency medicine is what they really want. If it is, there’s some hard work to be done to improve study habits.
All of these issues can be overcome, but as the future EMS provider, it’s important for you to recognize if you fall into any of these categories.
This remedial course is NOT a boring lecture driven by even more boring slides! If you watch and participate in all sessions, you’ll walk away with a much deeper understanding of EMT/AEMT curriculum and skills, with the mental tools you need to apply your knowledge to your practice – and to pass the NREMT.
Each recorded session is 2 hours. The session will begin with an overview and case study. It will then cover important terms and concepts for each topic using a variety of dynamic methods – including critical thinking activities and detailed drawings. The session will conclude with NREMT-style review questions to help attendees better understand and succeed on the exam.
You can join any time. Recordings of all classes are available to you 24/7, for 90 days from the date of purchase.
Diagnostic exams to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and our popular 2 hour NREMT Review video, which is jam-packed with in-depth NREMT style review questions, answers and tips that you can’t find anywhere else.
Viewing all classes, taking the diagnostic exams and watching the NREMT review video are required for completion of the remedial training program.
Limmer Education
Limmer Education