Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
by Limmer Education
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Our free NREMT Review session earlier this month had almost 1,000 people attend! The audience had lots of great questions about the NREMT, about clinical care, and about the practice scenarios that Dan presented. We'll cover some of the specifics of the practice scenarios in another post, but we want to go ahead and answer the most-asked questions about NREMT prep and test-taking.
In this article:
Aim to spend about a week per topic: Airway, Cardio, Medical, Trauma, and Operations. (You may need to shorten the time you spend on each topic if your exam is coming up soon.)
EMTReview.com is a comprehensive test prep site that offers EMT users a week-by-week guide of what to study and how to study it. The weekly study guides will help you make the most of the site in the time that you have left, and keep you focused on the info that matters most for the NREMT.
We recommend Medical Terminology Review. It's an easy-to-use app divided into intuitive sections based on body systems. With little effort, you'll learn relevant terminology for healthy patients and disease states through 1,000+ study cards and two practice exams. And it’s only $2.99!
We have a few pointers for the practical exam. Read them here.
Yes. If you’re running out of time to prepare, at least make sure you know these topics thoroughly. (For more info on each of these, visit Last Minute Things to Study for the NREMT.)
CPR guidelines
Respiratory Distress vs Respiratory Failure
Obstetrics and Neonatal Resuscitation
Rule of 9s
If you need a good last-minute prep tool, we can’t recommend the 2-Hour NREMT Review enough. This one-of-a-kind streaming video gives you the most in-depth NREMT prep you can get in such a short time!
NO. This is bad advice. The indication for oxygen is hypoxia. Period. Please read up on this topic: Why Are We Still Stuck on Oxygen? Hyperoxia: Too Much of a Good Thing. Oxygen Is the Wonder Drug No More.
Ventilation refers to the two processes of inspiration and exhalation, while oxygenation is the delivery of oxygen to the tissues to maintain cellular activity.
We got a LOT of questions like these:
What are your suggestions for question practice materials or apps?
What website should we use for NREMT practice?
Do you have a practice test available?
What would you suggest for best practice to study for NREMT?
The answer is Limmer Education apps. Most are available either on the web through LC-Ready or on your phone through the App Store or Google Play. Here are our top recommendations for NREMT prep:
Test prep that’s just like the NREMT
Pass the first time! These apps were made in collaboration with a former director of the NREMT. Each app has 500 practice questions that are very similar to what you’ll see on the actual exam. They aren’t easy, but they are worth it.
You need comprehensive NREMT prep and already have a decent understanding of clinical topics.
The most comprehensive EMT and paramedic test prep on the market
This site is the most complete, most affordable NREMT prep program there is. High quality questions closely resemble those found on the NREMT. Plus diagnostic tests, study guides, audio/video, and weekly live chats with Dan Limmer.
You’re just starting to prepare for the NREMT, if you struggled with your class exams, or if you’ve already failed the NREMT.
In-depth NREMT prep in a jam-packed 2 hours!
This streaming video covers a lot of ground but is easy to follow. Learn to break down the details in test questions so you choose the correct answer each time. Test yourself with core concept questions that measure your knowledge and judgment. And much more!
You need good test prep in a short timeframe, or you need to learn how the NREMT is structured.
Here are a few quick answers to some of your questions. For more FAQs or more details about the answers below, visit our NREMT FAQs page.
If you run out of time on the NREMT, whether you pass or fail depends on how many items you correctly answered before the test shut off. Don’t distract yourself by worrying about time. Focus on answering each question. If you know your material, it’s unlikely you’ll run out of time anyway. If you need special accommodations due to a learning or other disability, you can request that through the NREMT website.
Yes, you should expect burns questions, pediatric questions, med math questions.
Yes, the testing center will give you a blank piece of paper if you want it.
Yes, all the questions are multiple choice (or multiple response). There are no short answer questions.
Yes, you will see some multiple response questions. You will be required to pick all the correct answers from a list, but the NREMT will tell you how many correct answers to pick. There is no partial credit on multiple response items. Multiple response questions aren’t scary, we promise. Read more about TEIs / multiple response items.
Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
Limmer Education
Limmer Education