Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
by Limmer Education
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We get frequent emails from students wanting to know what they should study for the NREMT. We would all be rich if we could give them the details they want. We can’t. But we do provide some guidelines. Generally it is important to know facts. It is a foundation for what you really need to know. Hopefully in class you have mastered a lot of those facts. The NREMT isn’t going to test facts alone. They test application of those facts. You need to know the material at a deeper level.
Take a look at the two columns below. The questions on the left only require you to remember facts. The questions on the right require you to take those same facts and think about how they apply to realistic scenarios.
Do you see the difference? Just spitting out facts – that’s easy. But using multiple facts to make a decision about something – that shows real learning. The application side is closer to the type of decision you will need to make on the NREMT.
Many people study by reading their book over and over. This only covers the fact component. You will need to find some other way to get application practice. While Limmer Education certainly has apps for that, here are a few other sources of good (free) study material:
In your textbook look for exercises that say “critical thinking” or “decision making.”
Use case studies. These are good—be sure you actually stop and ask yourself questions as you go along so you get real decision-making practice.
Practice with high quality test questions that ask for application, not simple facts.
Ask your instructor for additional study material.
Check out the NREMT prep playlist on our YouTube channel, where you'll find dozens of videos with practice NREMT questions.
Our famous EMT, AEMT and Paramedic PASS apps are a little more challenging than the NREMT itself. We did that on purpose. If you can succeed on PASS practice exams, you can succeed on the NREMT.
The most affordable NREMT prep program there is! This site is especially good for people who struggled in class or who already failed the NREMT once. High quality questions closely resemble those found on the NREMT.
In two hours, learn how to analyze NREMT test questions. This video walks you through practice NREMT questions (including TEIs) and teaches you how to approach challenging questions. There’s nothing else like it!
If you’ve failed the NREMT 3 times, the National Registry requires you to take a remedial course before your next attempt (the course must be 24 hours for EMT, 36 hours for AEMT). Limmer Education remediation is the most comprehensive course there is. Bonus: It’s not just a bunch of boring slides.
Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
Dan Limmer, BS, NRP