NREMT Exam Cram Study Guide

by Limmer Education

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For as long as there has been an NREMT exam, students have studied the wrong things... or not studied enough of the right things. They re-read their books, look over exams, make flashcards. In short, they study facts.

Don’t just study facts. Study how to apply facts to emergency scenarios.

Don’t get us wrong. You need to know the facts. (If you haven’t learned the facts in class, you are in extra trouble right now.) But what students need to know for the NREMT—and what educators need to tell students—is that they need to practice application.

Here's an example: You know how to splint a leg. That’s the knowledge – but it’s just the foundation. What if there are two fractures in the leg? What if there are many fractures in the leg? What if the patient with the injured leg is also in shock? What if they also have internal injuries that aren’t immediately obvious? That’s the application – and it’s the difference between a pass and a fail.

This concept was the genesis of Limmer Education’s NREMT Exam Cram —an NREMT study guide that highlights the most important NREMT study concepts (facts and application).

Updated in 2023, the study guide includes:

  • A checklist of application-based areas for EMT students to study.

  • Basic principles of pathophysiology.

  • CPR facts.

  • Test prep tips for the NREMT.

  • Med term reminders.

  • Skeletal anatomy.

  • Plus, below you'll find a list of additional resources to help you master some of the concepts in this study guide.

Please share the link with other EMS students, educators, and practitioners. Enjoy!

P.S. When it comes to application, Limmer Education makes NREMT review apps that use this philosophy to prepare you to pass the NREMT the first time.

In-Depth NREMT Prep from the Experts

Our test prep products are created and reviewed by leading EMS educators, textbook authors, and former NREMT personnel. All products are updated regularly to keep pace with AHA guidelines, best practices, and NREMT changes.


EMT, AEMT & Paramedic PASS Apps

Get this if: You need comprehensive NREMT prep and already have a decent understanding of clinical topics.

Updated for 2024, this is test prep that’s just like the NREMT. Made in collaboration with a former director of the NREMT, each app has 500 practice questions that are similar and a bit harder than what you’ll see on the actual exam.

$32.99 for EMT PASS | $21.99 for AEMT PASS | $37.99 for Paramedic PASS

EMT, AEMT & Paramedic Review Plus Apps

Get this if: You want a solid review of your class material while getting NREMT training.

These apps help you review and build on the material you learned in class while preparing you for NREMT questions. Strengthen your weakest areas while training your brain to think for the NREMT!

$13.99 for EMT Review Plus | $13.99 for AEMT Review | $13.99 for Paramedic Review Plus

2 hour NREMT VIdeo

2-Hour NREMT Review Streaming Video

Get this if: You’re out of time to study, or you need to learn how the NREMT is structured.

Jam-packed with in-depth review questions, answers, and tips you won't find anywhere else! Get insights into core clinical concepts, learn to read & prioritize details included in NREMT questions, and discover common pitfalls, misconceptions, and misinformation about the exam.

Purchase for $14.99 (for EMT and Paramedic)

Get this if: You're just starting to prepare, you struggled with your class exams, or you’ve already failed the NREMT.

Includes all the NREMT's new question types for 2024! This is the most comprehensive EMT and paramedic test prep on the market. Also the most affordable! High-value questions closely resemble those on the NREMT. Huge variety of resources includes diagnostic tests, study guides, videos, and weekly live reviews.

Monthly: $24.99 | Three-Month: $67.99

Additional Learning Resources


Patient Assessment


Trauma Emergencies

Medical Emergencies

Special Populations


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Thank you.
Henry Brondyke
Wed, Jul 26, 2023 6:18 PM
Do you have this same study guide for those taking the Paramedic NREMT?
Sheila M
Wed, Jul 26, 2023 2:30 PM
Not yet - It is on our list! The principles in the EMT version are still important (BLS before ALS) foundation.
Stephanie Limmer
Tue, Aug 1, 2023 3:43 PM
Am failing to download this pdf file why
Elisha Mac
Wed, Oct 21, 2020 12:22 PM
Here is the direct link
Stephanie Limmer
Wed, Oct 21, 2020 2:31 PM
IS there anymore notes / study guides yall have that you can send me to study.
Blake Freeman
Tue, Oct 29, 2019 1:34 AM
Hi Blake- Thanks for asking! We have a lot of tools to help people prepare for the NREMT. I would recommend that you take a look at where we have practice tests, study guides, videos, live NREMT classes and more. You can also check out our apps at or via the app store for your device.
Stephanie Limmer
Tue, Oct 29, 2019 2:00 PM
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