EMS Case StudiesFor EducatorsFor ProvidersPediatrics It Ain’t Easy being Weezy: Pediatric Case Study Because a child’s lower airway anatomy is proportionally smaller than an adult's, it is easily compromised from a lesser degree…Stephanie LimmerApril 21, 2019
EMS Case StudiesFor StudentsFor ProvidersOB/Gyn Postpartum Emergencies: Three Case Studies Take a look at three of the most likely OB crises using three case studies and discuss what a prepared…Stephanie LimmerMarch 18, 2019
Patient AssessmentFor StudentsIn the FieldFor Providers Patient Assessment: A Modern Approach It's time to shed old patient assessment mantras in EMS. Our assessment flowchart shows how to be more effective and…Stephanie LimmerMarch 5, 2019
EMS Case StudiesFor StudentsFor ProvidersMedical When a Stroke is Not a Stroke: A Case Study Mimics account for 20-25% of suspected strokes, and occur frequently in patients under 50.Stephanie LimmerFebruary 13, 2019
Patient AssessmentEMS Case StudiesFor StudentsFor Providers Unique Patient Signs: A Case Study If a patient presents with multiple pathologies, some common signs can give you clues into primary and secondary issues.Stephanie LimmerFebruary 5, 2019
For EducatorsDynamic Learning Exercises Transitioning BLS to ALS At the New York State Vital Signs Conference I presented a session on successfully transitioning students from BLS to ALS.…Stephanie LimmerNovember 4, 2018
For StudentsFor ProvidersTraumaClinical Care Spinal Motion Restriction A new position paper on spinal motion restriction (SMR) was issued by the American College of Surgeons (ACS), American College…Stephanie LimmerAugust 16, 2018
For Providers #EMSinspiration Winners Thank you to all who contributed to our #EMSinspiration contest on Facebook and Twitter. In a profession where we often…Stephanie LimmerAugust 15, 2018
For Providers Gallows Humor Every day, we have the chance to be there for one another. Not just in times of crisis. The gallows…Stephanie LimmerAugust 6, 2018
For StudentsFor Providers Your Delicate Brain It's hard not to think of an EMS provider NOT having a bit of damaged brain to choose this profession,…Stephanie LimmerFebruary 20, 2018
Patient AssessmentFor ProvidersTrauma 10 Things You Should Know About Trauma Emergencies The available tools for determining criticality in trauma assessment have never been greater.Stephanie LimmerJanuary 29, 2018
For StudentsFor Providers Helping Hands One of the greatest things about being an EMS provider is the need to use both your brain and your…Stephanie LimmerJanuary 16, 2018