Shaken, Not Stirred: A seizure case study
You respond to a local store for a 24-year-old male having a seizure. The patient…
It Ain’t Easy being Weezy: Pediatric Case Study
Because a child’s lower airway anatomy is proportionally smaller than an adult's, it is easily…
Postpartum Emergencies: Three Case Studies
Take a look at three of the most likely OB crises using three case studies…
Patient Assessment: A Modern Approach
It's time to shed old patient assessment mantras in EMS. Our assessment flowchart shows how…
When a Stroke is Not a Stroke: A Case Study
Mimics account for 20-25% of suspected strokes, and occur frequently in patients under 50.
Unique Patient Signs: A Case Study
If a patient presents with multiple pathologies, some common signs can give you clues into…
Crush Syndrome: A Case Study
By Christopher Ebright You respond to an accident involving a semi-truck that drove off a…
Compartment Syndrome: A Case Study
You are called to a scene where a skier has fallen. The male patient is…
Simulation in EMS Education – Part 2
It is our belief that the EMT classroom has much to gain from the use…
Spinal Motion Restriction
A new position paper on spinal motion restriction (SMR) was issued by the American College…
10 Things You Should Know About Trauma Emergencies
The available tools for determining criticality in trauma assessment have never been greater.
Hurtful H’s and Terrible T’s
The H’s and T’s learned for ACLS and PALS can also be used for assessment…