Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
by Limmer Education
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We get a lot of calls and emails from people who have failed the NREMT. We seem to get more from people who have failed the NREMT three times. They are about to take a refresher class and come to us for advice. Our Chief Knowledge Officer Dan Limmer answers their questions – and we wanted to share some of his advice.
Dan recommends some introspection. Ask yourself some tough questions, like:
Did I learn from my course?
Not all courses are created equal. If you don’t believe your course was high quality, you have some catching up to do.
Did I study and work hard to learn?
If not, you now realize why you aren’t successful.
Do I have any learning, reading, or attention deficit issues that need to be addressed before I try again?
If so, talk to your instructor. See what resources are available from your school or by physician referral. Be sure to document any disabilities and present them to your school for accommodations and to the NREMT for extended time to take the exam.
Have I lost confidence in passing?
If so, you’ll need to get that back before you try again.
The National Registry requires you to take a remedial training course if you don't pass the NREMT on your third attempt. Remedial training helps you learn the stuff you missed the first time around and deepens your understanding of what you do know. Importantly, NREMT remediation should also focus on improving your test-taking and critical thinking skills.
It's frustrating to fail three times. But this is a chance to get the knowledge, skills, attitude and confidence you need!
Limmer Education's EMT and AEMT Remediation programs are NOT boring lectures driven by boring slides. If you engage in all sessions, you’ll walk away with a much deeper understanding of EMT curriculum and skills, with the mental tools you need to apply your knowledge to your practice – and to pass the NREMT.
Each online class begins with an overview and case study. The session will then cover important terms and concepts for each topic using a variety of dynamic methods – including critical thinking activities and detailed drawings. The 2-hour session will conclude with NREMT-style review questions to help you better understand and succeed on the exam.
In addition to the remedial EMT and AEMT classes, you also get access to:
Diagnostic exams to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and our popular 2 hour NREMT Review video, which is jam-packed with in-depth NREMT-style review questions, answers and tips that you can’t find anywhere else.
Limmer Education Remediation Courses include a 24-hour course for EMT and 36-hour course for AEMT. Be sure to take the remedial course with the intent to learn—don’t just go through the motions to get three more attempts.
You may not need remediation yet. But if you've failed the NREMT or NRP at least once, take a look at EMTReview.com. The membership site is designed to help overcome the types of issues that keep people from passing. It provides a review of course content, structured study, interactive exams, and much more.
One of the biggest benefits of membership (especially for students who have failed the NREMT) is weekly, live NREMT study sessions. During the study session webinars, Dan Limmer personally reviews NREMT-style practice questions and answers any questions participants have about the exam.
EMTReview.com addresses the three major issues students face:
EMS knowledge (the site lets you choose EMT and/or Paramedic)
Ability to read and analyze an NREMT question
Getting your confidence back
While we prefer you come to work with Dan before your third NREMT attempt, it is never too late. We hope we will see you at EMTReview.com to help you pass the test. It is what we are here for—and what we do best.
When you look online, you'll see lots of courses advertised as EMS refreshers. These are for people who had their NREMT certification, but did not re-certify before the expiration date. If your certification is lapsed, you should take a refresher somewhere other than where you took your original course. It is time to go somewhere else and get knowledge from a different source. Dan recommends these refresher courses, which are all offered in an online format:
FOAMfrat: These guys offer an engaging refresher course for paramedics. The course gives you access to both instructor-led and self-paced content.
Distance CME: EMT/EMR and Paramedic/AEMT refresher courses offered by the great and caring team at Distance CME.
Treasure Coast Medical Institute: Our friend Dr. Marjorie Bowers brings a wealth of experience to her paramedic refresher course. For EMT hopefuls, Kevin Franklin teaches an excellent EMT refresher.
These online courses will help fill in knowledge gaps and satisfy the National Registry's refresher policy for lapsed certifications.
Dan Limmer, BS, NRP
Limmer Education
Dan Limmer, BS, NRP