The Tomato Philosophy
“Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in…
Item Writing Tips for Better Exam Questions
Takeaways for writing high-quality multiple choice exam items as learned from our first item writing…
Tight and Right: Feedback for Item Writers
Let's take a solid EMT test question and see how to make it more like…
Emergency Care History: Baptism Kits
A fun find in the first edition of Grant's and Murray's Emergency Care - instructions…
[WEBINAR] Your first EMS job: Now what?
Join The EMS Siren, Amy Eisenhauer, for a 1 hour webinar on navigating your first…
I finished my EMT Class, which of your products do I use?
We get this question a lot- "which product should I use to study for my…
My History with Emergency Care: Editions 1-13
By Dan Limmer My association with the Emergency Care EMT textbook is long and passionate.…
On Seizures, Syncope and Science
Not all research papers provide everything you need to know about a topic. It is…
Three Things Necessary to Pass the NREMT
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a magical formula to guarantee a passing result…
10 Reasons Patients Lie
You don't expect everyone to lie—but it does happen. Ten reasons why your patients might…
Diagnostic Scoring Now Available for EMT, AEMT, and Paramedic Review
Want to know where you need to study more for the NREMT? Take our NREMT…
Test Your Knowledge: EMS Quizzes
In partnership with EMS1, we produce short quizzes on a variety of NREMT subjects and…