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What is the ideal exam prep for you?

You want practice exams. You want to be able to measure your knowledge—to know where you stand. But it’s not all about exams. You’d like to have a place to review some important facts. Maybe have an experienced educator walk you through some of the important points.

You want feedback. Real, valuable and accurate. You have a busy lifestyle and don’t like being bored so audio and videos would hit the mark nicely. The ability to ask questions, learn from others and be a part of a community of students who are also taking the exam would be pretty cool.

You’ve found the ideal exam prep. Welcome to EMTReview.com

Beginning April 20, 2016, EMTReview.com will set the standard for dynamic exam preparation. Designed to help students prepare for the NREMT EMT examination, EMTReview.com has a variety of features to help students pass the first time. These include:

Diagnostic Practice Exams – Based around the NREMT exam sections, students will be able to test their knowledge on each section individually. This allows students to determine where to best spend their time studying.

Simulated NREMT Exams – In addition to our diagnostic section exams you’ll also have the opportunity to take full, simulated NREMT exams.

Fast Fact Study Guides – Created for major EMT topics, Fast Fact Study Guides provide concise and relevant information to help you remember and apply important facts.

Interactive Exam Preparation – Students will be able to take a series of short quizzes and then immediately watch a video with detailed explanations of both clinical and test-taking points.

ClinMins – Our site has a series of videos in which Dan Limmer provides video clinical insights into patient presentations and exam preparation.

Office Hours – Students can attend live office hours with EMS educator and author (and Limmer Education co-founder) Dan Limmer. Each office hour will begin with the review of a few carefully chosen exam questions and conclude with a lively question-and-answer session. Ask Dan anything!

Study Paths – EMTReview.com offers a wide variety of options for study—and we help you choose the one that is best for you. Some begin studying early and others a bit closer to the exam. Our recommendations will help you make sure the studying you do in the time you have makes a difference.

And more – That’s not all—just our highlights. And we’ll continue to add content and keep it fresh.

Click for full NREMT infographic

What makes EMTReview.com even more exciting is the pricing. Our monthly premium subscription is only $19.99. We also offer a Premium Plus subscription which offers all of the features above PLUS our 15 hours of EMT Review Audio. This contains 30 audio lectures plus bonus tracks. Premium Plus subscription is $39.99 for the first month and $19.99 per month afterwards. This provides Limmer Education’s audios for only $20 (a $34.99 retail price). And you’ll own the audios even after your subscription expires.

We’re excited about EMTReview.com and we believe you will be too. Go to EMTReview.com now and sign up !

All of this from Limmer Education. The most trusted name in exam preparation.

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